Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The preciousness of today and the hairyness of the past

Do you remember that phrase..."back in the good old days..."  Its so casually thrown around as you gather with people you shared so much with....a similar history, experience, or whatnot...

Sometimes its easy to get stuck get so caught up in the nostalgia of the past to forget the treasures of today.  Memories become catalyst to grow into tomorrow, not stationary places to live in.  Its amazing how my memories sometimes become so unlike the reality out of which they were born out of.  I can look back on Basic Training with a certain fondness, the memories, the friendship, but if you were to ask that person back then what he was experiencing....I was lonely, sad, and wondering if I made the right decision.

The truth is everything is 20/20 in hindsight....but the question isn't whether that is true or not, but it is how we deal with the presentness of our lives.  It is the way we live today that matters for that shapes tomorrow and brings honor to yesterday.

As we reminisce, things aren't going to be how they were....

Its painful b/c life isn't static, b/c it ebbs and flows, life continues...time continues although our hearts don't want to.  The fact that time continues means that we aren't who we were and things aren't the way they were.

Sometimes the hardest part of the past is learning to make it the past.  Living in the reality that the pain, the joy, all of it is part of something that cannot be recaptured, but only in flashes of emotion and thought.

I've learned that learning to make the past the past is one of the greatest steps in growing.  It helps us to not make it tomorrow, thereby giving us the freedom to live in today.  So as Rob Bell states in one of his Noomas...

If you have to remember, remember, grieve, then grieve, apologize, but give yourself that opportunity to do so.

so you don't miss a thing on this day.....

there's a certain kind of despair when we're still holding on to the way things were, our arms aren't free to hold on to today...

God give me the freedom to heal from the wounds of yesterday, to not be so caught up in the worries of tomorrow, but trust in Your unfailing love....draw this child ever closer to understanding this great truth more and more through our relationship together.  Take me by the hand and lead me where you want me, help me to remember that this life is for you this mist reek of your glory!

"Intellectually we all know that we will die, but we do not really know it in the snese that the knowledge becomes a part of us.  We do not really know what it in the sense of living as though it were true.  On the contrary, we tend to live as though our lives would go on forever." Frederick Buechner

James 4:13-14  "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

Philippians 1:21  "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  -My prayer, my hope, my life...

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