Simmering Thoughts
Its been awhile since my heart has really been gripped by a vision of my own. I have to say that there was a bit of rebirth while I was on vacation reflecting back upon my own life. I wonder to where will it go and what is God's vision for me. On the plane, I got an opportunity to read Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and it really struck a chord with me. Here's a man who was around my age when he decided to plant a church. His principles are relatively simple and his ability to reach the lost is tremendous.I dream of such a place and community where those who are in need can find rest, joy and salvation. I wonder what that would look like? I have my inklings and yet there's a growing frustration at the state of the church right now as a whole. When will it become a place where those who are in need find true salvation? I don't know, but I do dream.
I have been getting pursued to take on a youth group recently. Its been weird and yet somehow stimulating to see that I am wanted. I am reminded time and time again how the harvest is great but the workers are few. This also led to a conversation I had with my brother Chris on the trip. He spoke about how there are so few men of God that women often settle for less than they ought to. I chewed on that statement a bit and realized that the burden does fall upon men as much as we blame the women for this and that, the men take the onus of the responsibility. In a general sense, I stand unashamed and unafraid as I realize God calling me to be a man of God. By far, nothing is more Chris said, Jason, woman will be lining up to want to marry you. ha ha ha...gotta love that encouragement. And then he said that in light of the fact that there are such few men these days.
This got me on the stirring of my heart recently as I was watching Blood Diamond, the desire for adventure, the greater meaning and fulfillment and how the things of our society has become such an imprisonment to chase the very core of the heart that has filled men through the ages. The movie made me want to go to Iraq and Afghanistan, to experience life in such a setting and to serve my fellow American soldiers. I want to minister in a place of great darkness as there is so much meaning in this place for light to exist. I desire to taste the sweetness of the gospel be given to a life that has no hope, to see the hope arise in such a life to live for the greatest desire that is ultimately meant for their life. It is glorious!
All in all, I have seen that I am a man that dreams dreams far greater than I can accomplish at the moment. Each day is a brick that provides a piece of that dream a reality in this life or the next. I am unsure if I will ever fully finish such dreams, or if I am just laying the foundation for future generations to build upon.
As I live, I live with intentionality to build God's kingdom here today. The decisions I make and the paths I take are to fully form into the man God has made me to be. I will know that new risks and new challenges will arise, but I do not deny the truly transforming nature that occurs when I walk in faith with Him who is forming me through the days of my life.
I apologize but then again I don't apologize for the way your lives might be affected b/c of mine. Who knows what life would be like if I didn't exist or didn't take risks? I don't know, but only the future will begin to show what will happen as I do take such steps to follow my God as faithfully as He enables me. My only hope is that you' all come for the ride. It'll be a crazy one, but it'll be one that will be for the ages.
I speak abstract but hopefully such ideas will become dreams that breathe passion into tangible expressions for the glory of God.
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